Whistling in the Dark

Ann Shoket - Seventeen Magazine, Vine, YouTube, Millennials, Gen Z - Ep. 10



My chat with long time Editor-in-Chief of 17 Magazine Ann Shoket covered many things I expected it to; the work/life balance debate most high-powered, career women are saddled with, her path as a journalist (how she got and stays there), why she waited until her late 30’s to get married and have babies, breast cancer (mine), and the excitement we both share over the new wave of feminism that is emerging in the generations coming up behind us. What I didn’t expect was that the majority of the conversation would turn into our shared love letter to those very generations; Y and Z - also known (respectively) as millennials and those born after 1989. We discuss at length their positive use of social media, including how Twitter and the likes are enabling them to create cutting edge businesses - many of which are making the world a better place. Shoket believes social media and the “instafame” pioneers who are leading the charge are also pin pointing serious issues like body image (Beyonce’s thigh gap/Instagram deb