Whistling in the Dark

James Frey - Author, A Million Little Pieces, Endgame - Ep. 14



Author James Frey and I go back to the influences that started it all for both of us; getting tattoos in the 80’s, punk rock, seminal bands and a shared love of English football and hooligan culture. But its not all rebellion and vitriol. Frey talks about his transition into adulthood that includes moving from NYC to Connecticut with his wife and 3 kids, and how he is convinced the waning energy levels that come with middle age means he only has 2 or 3 books left in him before he retires. There’s lots of deep dives and analytical discussion including failure, spirituality, the Serial podcast and whether we think Adnan did it or not, what makes top athletes like Lionel Messi and Wayne Gretzky so damn great, and his unique writing process. This episode is sponsored by The Podcasters' Studio. The official Whistling In the Dark app is now available at iTunes and Amazon.com. Finally - if you enjoyed the show or even if you didn’t, we’d like to know. Please rate and review the show in iTunes or Stitcher. It helps u