Whistling in the Dark

Karen the Therapist Returns! - Ep. 17



She's baaackkk. By popular demand. My therapist, Karen! For those of you who didn’t catch her first visit to Whistling In the Dark, our aim was to break down and demystify therapy - what it is, kind of how it works (even though its a very individual experience) and to prove - by virtue of our patient/client relationship - that it isn’t nearly as scary as one might think. In fact, in the hands of the right person it can be a truly life changing experience.  This journey with Karen has been exactly that for me and I thought, wouldn’t it be grand if it was that for you too, dear listener should you be pondering the notion of seeking help in organizing the pain and chaos in your own life but afraid to take that first step into the abyss known as THERAPY. ANALYSIS. HEAD SHRINKING.  It’s not that the episode - nor the one you’re about to hear - are representative of an actual session. Sure we dip in and out of that sort of territory, but by and large, these are authentic conversations that dive into the big questio