Success Smackdown Live With Kat

Stop Trying To Get Better At Being Somebody Who You're Not



Man oh man this is a crazy thing. Yet one we have ALL fallen for at times! And in some cases, for some people? It's basically your entire business.TODAY IS THE DAY WE GET THE BLINDERS ON AND SWITCH FLICK YOU BACK TO FACTORY SETTINGS.Y'know - THAT creative genius the world just can't not respond to. Plain and simple? The way it was always meant to be.Check out the full episode below to help shift into being FULLY you!Please take a moment to leave a comment, review or share if you enjoy the show! Your feedback means so much to me, and I appreciate it so much!Hi, I'm Katrina Ruth. Over the past nearly 2 decades I've been blessed to have brought through me a multiple 8-figure coaching brand online. I have a new ministry Katrina Ruth Ministries, and God has taken over the 'show' at the coaching business The Katrina Ruth Show. I write, speak, create and share whatever He leads me to each day. Always Spirit-led. I run programs and courses for faith-led entrepreneurs who desire to