Wild Michigan With Duran Martinez

NOVEMBER 4, 2023 Hour 1



THE RUT BEGINS - DOUG "DEER PROFESSOR" ROBERTS According to the Deer Professor, Doug Roberts, the recent cold snap will increase whitetail breeding activities over the next three weeks. Doug also offers tips on better timing for larger, more mature bucks and the deadly combination that ConQuest Scents VS-1 and Evercalm, provide.   SPORTSMAN AGAINST HUNGER - DEAN HALL As we all know, we are suffering the worst inflation that this country has seen since the 1970's.  Everything is through the roof and that is making it tough on families to buy the essential groceries that are needed.  That means more hunters will be relying on their skills to fill the freezer while others will depend on the kindness of hunters to help donate venison to Michigan Sportsman Against Hunger. Dean Hall explains how you can help.   www.sportsmenagainsthunger.org