Church Militant The Vortex Feed

Cardinal McElroy's Climate Falsehood



TRANSCRIPT   One of the most disturbing appointments to the College of Cardinals Pope Francis has made, among many, is the elevation of Robert McElroy of San Diego. Among the many horrible, virtually un-Catholic positions the recent cardinal has enunciated is one that has to do with the preposterous position that climate change is so bad that it actually claims more lives around the world each year than abortion. For the record, according to the Guttmacher Institute, there are 73 million abortions worldwide every year. So where Cdl. McElroy is getting his number that more than 73 million people die every year from changes in the weather is a little dumbfounding — likely because it's not true. McElroy is notorious for skirting Church teaching in the area of sexual morality and has deemed it a worthy cause to promote "social justice" as more important than individual justice and charity. He and his kind hate the Church, and they hate America. Among his chi