Living Your Yoga With Dr Melissa West

Yoga Nidra for Immunity | YWM 671



This Yoga Nidra meditation for immune support will offer you profound healing and rejuvenation. Deep rest is the cornerstone of physical, mental, and emotional well-being, allowing your body to heal at its core. During this meditation, you will nurture your parasympathetic nervous system, lymphatic system, thymus, tonsils and spleen, enabling them to carry out their natural immune functions. This guided practice is especially beneficial during times of illness, discomfort, or emotional exhaustion, unlocking your body's innate healing potential. Within this Yoga Nidra meditation, you will breathe and body scan through your cells, tissues, and organs, promoting the flow of vital energy along your body's pathways. By opening your awareness to various areas within, you'll activate your body's intrinsic healing power. This enhanced flow of energy empowers your body's innate capacity for healing, offering profound support for your immune system.