Ajn The American Journal Of Nursing - Behind The Article

Conversation with Elizabeth A. Ayello, PhD, MS, RN, CWON, FAAN



AJN In this episode of The AJN Podcast, Elizabeth A. Ayello, PhD, MS, RN, CWON, FAAN, co-editor of Advances in Skin and Wound Care, discusses the role of the direct care nurse in wound and ostomy care. Listen as she shares valuable information and resources on the topic. Links to resources mentioned in the podcast are available below. Nursing 2023 article: https://journals.lww.com/nursing/fulltext/2023/08000/skin_and_wound_care_survey__2019_results.8.aspx Guidelines: EPUAP: https://www.epuap.org    NPIAP: https://npiap.com PPIAP: https://pppia.org   International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (ISTAP): https://www.skintears.org AJN article: Skin Assessment in Patients with Dark Skin Tone: https://journals.lww.com/ajnonline/fulltext/2023/03000/skin_assessment_in_patients_with_dark_skin_tone.20.aspx Wound care skin tone article: https://journals.lww.com/aswcjournal/fulltext/2023/10000/using_technology_to_detect_erythema_across_skin.4.aspx A stakeholder is anyone who has interest in pressure ulcers/inj