Cpa Australia Podcast

What to do when the ATO contacts you



Receiving communications from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) can often be stressful for taxpayers and their advisers.  Nevertheless, being aware of what to anticipate and how to appropriately react can alleviate some of the anxiety.  As the deadline for submitting your tax return approaches (October 31), we’ve got you covered. This timely episode provides valuable insights and guidance on what’s essential. Tune in now. Host: Dr Jane Rennie, Head of Media and External Engagement, CPA Australia Guest: Elinor Kasapidis, Head of Policy and Advocacy, CPA Australia For more insights on today’s topic, CPA Australia has a tip sheet on responding to ATO enquiries. Additionally, the ATO has a taxpayer charter with further information.  CPA Australia publishes four podcasts, providing commentary and thought leadership across business, finance and accounting:  With Interest INTHEBLACK INTHEBLACK Out Loud Excel Tips Search for them in your podcast platform.  You can email the podcast team at podcasts@cpaaustrali