Fr1 And Ems1 Podcasts

Hung jury: EMS lessons from an unsuccessfully tried murder case



This episode of Inside EMS is brought to you by Lexipol, the experts in policy, training, wellness support and grants assistance for first responders and government leaders. To learn more, visit In this episode of Inside EMS, cohosts Chris Cebollero and Kelly Grayson discuss the importance of integrity, documentation and tracking errors in the field. Chris spent the past week in jury duty, listening to prosecutors unsuccessfully try a murder case that resulted in a hung jury. He shares details that tripped up law enforcement officers testifying in the case, and the jury’s perspective on errors made, lies told and how integrity doubts derailed the case.   Memorable quotes “One of the things that you need to be able to remember is you should not talk about anything that is not written in your report, because they will tear it apart, and I watched that happen ... when we talk about documentation, why documentation is very, very important is because it's the little nuances that you leave out that now