Nothing Off Limits

Intuitive Metaphysical Healer Diandra Brand On Dealing with Energy Vampires



Do you ever feel drained or "off" after being around certain people? Do you suddenly feel depressed or agitated by someone, even when you were previously in a great mood? Then you could be in the midst of an energy vampire or the victim of a psychic attack. I experienced this myself quite recently and on separate occasions (both from a man and a woman - it’s not gender-specific), and I sought out an expert to help me remove their unwelcome energetic leeching. I now want to share this amazing resource to help anyone listening to successfully heal from people who steal their energy as well. My wonderful guest is Diandra Brand, an intuitive metaphysical healer and the author of Enlightened Indigo Child, available at and on Amazon. She is certified in an extensive number of alternative healing modalities and has integrated these with her clairvoyant abilities to create a highly developed intuitive metaphysical practice. Via communication with the angelic realm and Higher Self, she