Dr. Lo Radio Show

Peaceful Parenting with Wendy Snyder



Welcome to another episode of the Dr. Lo Radio Show! Wendy Snyder is a mom of two, Certified Positive Parenting Educator, and Family Life Coach. She inspires parents to learn and grow through connection-based firm and kind strategies. Wendy helps parents ditch the threats, yelling and harsh punishments so they can live a life as a joyful and confident parent. In this episode, Wendy thought she was prepared for motherhood, then explains how having her own strong-willed daughter opened her eyes to so many other things. Through her journey, she found “Positive Parenting” and learned that a lot of her kids’ behaviors were directly related to her, and weren’t solely a reflection of them as individuals. After a few years, Wendy became an educator after feeling that she had an obligation to share the tips she had learned. Today, she spreads her message in local groups in San Diego as well as online in her Fresh Start Family groups. I’d love your feedback on this episode, so please leave a review on the podcast or co