Playing Full Out With Rita Hyland

122: Feeling Your Feelings So They Don’t Run You



Let’s face it.  Life is full of a LOT of BIG emotions. And yet we’ve grown up in a culture which tends to encourage dismissing and compartmentalizing our uncomfortable feelings. To prevent ourselves from feeling certain feelings we often numb ourselves. We do this by drinking too much, medicating, overeating, and workaholism —- just to name a few. These are all signs that we may be resisting feelings that we’ve made impermissible to feel.     The problem is when we don’t tend to our feelings, they start to run us. We may make choices to avoid the feelings in ways that usually cause us more stress, wreck our relationships, inhibit our peace of mind as well as limit any chance of high performance.  Today I share two practices (both of which can be done in under five minutes) to begin to release the valve that may be causing a pressure cooker —  unknowingly — especially in our fast-driven life.  When you practice what I am going to show you, you will find you’re not as triggered by situations, stress decreases a