View From The Bunker

A View from the Bunker



ONE OF the most important finds in the history of biblical archaeology is threatened. The Israeli government recently stopped a construction project that would have built a Palestinian village on top of the ruins of Joshua’s altar. At least, the project is stopped for now—there is no guarantee that the work has been halted for good. Aaron Lipkin ( CEO of Lipkin Tours (, discovered the construction during a visit to the site with his father, Avi. He tells us how he alerted Israeli government authorities to the construction, why the Palestinian Authority was able to launch this project to erase a critical piece of Jewish (and Christian) history, and what we can do to help. Subscribe and share our YouTube channel at !Our Build Barn Better project is making progress! The building now has HVAC along with a new floor, windows, insulation, ceiling fans, and an upgraded electrical system! Next, we’ll hang wall paneling and then move our studi