Ux Australia Audio (from 2015)

UXA2023 Erin Casali - Driving organizational change with co-design



While we often focus on users and the products that deliver value to them, nothing would exist if it wasn't for the organizations that make these products. If we look at organizations under a product lens, we have a system that grows and evolves in time, fulfilling its ultimate goal: delivering a product or service for its users. But how does this system grow? This is often left to individuals to figure it out, a lot of frameworks focus on the "ideal state" and not on the change to get us there. By understanding that organizations are living systems and not static structures we can break the illusion of the "ideal team" and "ideal company" and focus instead on the pragmatic goal: managing meaningful change that creates more efficient organizations that benefit employees and, ultimately, users. Because let's be clear: no organization ever fits any ideal model. In this talk we are going to see how we can use our skills to approach meaningful and direct change in organizations, through processes, culture, an