Ending Human Trafficking Podcast

303 – Prostitution Research, with Dr. Melissa Farley



Dr. Sandie Morgan is joined by Dr. Melissa Farley. The two discuss the issues surrounding the legalization of prostitution. Dr. Melissa Farley Dr. Melissa Farley. She's a feminist psychologist who has authored or co-authored 52 peer reviewed articles on trauma, healthcare, prostitution, pornography, and sex trafficking as well as two books, "Prostitution, Trafficking and Traumatic Stress" and "Prostitution and Trrafficking in Nevada: Making the Connections." Her research and publications have been used by governments in South Africa, Cambodia, Canada, France, New Zealand, Ghana, Sweden, United Kingdom, and the United States for education and policy development on prostitution and trafficking. Dr. Farley founded Prostitution Research and Education, a nonprofit research institute, which disseminates educational materials by survivors and others who contribute to the movement to abolish prostitution. Main Points Prostitution, pornography, and trafficking are linked and are difficult to separate because they a