Beth Jones International Speaker

Back in school: What are you learning?



It's back to school time, which is always exciting for kids buying new supplies. I feel the same way as a business owner, buying new office supplies. I'm like a kid in a candy shop when the stores have school supplies sales! My challenge and question for you this week is what are you learning? I'm doing two new things lately: I recently began attending a new church and joined a ladies' Bible study, which is on Sally Clarkson's book, Own Your Life, and I'm leading a Progress Pod for my writing coaches CJ and Shelley Hitz's Christian Book Academy membership site for writers. Richard Ralston created the idea and the software of Progress Pods, with the pod participants taking The Next Tiny Step to reach their dreams and goals and to be accountable to others. God wants us to continually learn and grow, not stagnate, in our walk with Him. We're all "back in school," learning new things! *** Scriptures from today's episode: Proverbs 1:5 Proverbs 18:15 1 John 2:27 Rich