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009: Bill Harte l Why Women Dress like Sex and Men Dress Like Money?



Why Men Dress like Money and Women Dress like Sex? Bill Harte, a marketing consultant in San Diego, is a successful speaker and author. Bill has a book that is in the top one hundred in Business, Humor and Marketing. His new book is called Women Dress Like Sex, Men Dress Like Money which will reach out and grab all of us into the conversation of how to market differently the demographics of men and women. Bill has a successful career as a marketing consultant, and began his whole career by realizing that the way we dress to go out is actually a marketing technique. Bill saw that when men and women go out to the clubs, they dress to advertise themselves to each other, the women as sex, and the men as money. He saw a way to use this in business and make marketing more digestible to people. In this episode, you will learn: Dating is a type of advertising, you’re selling your personality to the other person. You can use those similarities in marketing, and use dating techniques. Women are more loyal, brand wise