Ninja Jill Knows

Episode 474: What you Focus on Grows!



What are you focusing on right now?  Are focusing on the good stuff or all the negative things that is happening and happened in the past?  What you can know for sure is that whichever you are focusing on is what will continue to grow in your life. If you are focused on the negative stuff, you will attract more of that OR if you are focused on the good (even in a hard situation), you will find more things to be grateful for and that good energy will continue to flow.  Listen in to find out how to shift your focus, your perspective and your experience! Ways I Can Help You Shift the Energy with Feng Shui Ready to Fix-It Fast with Feng Shui? Get the newest Feng Shui ebook with 7 easy Feng Shui Fixes to get the energy flowing in your home and life. Click here! Sign up for the weekly email, visit Connect with me on Instagram. Follow along in my stories to learn how you can create more of what you want in your life each day.