Three Dogs North

S11 Episode 60- Formed by the Father



In this episode, the dogs discuss meekness (6:14) and the positive masculine virtues (2:45). Rob gives some historical context (6:14), Mike dodges deciding whether his dad is meek (9:11), and Connor shares a time when he's seen men misuse their masculinity to diminish others (13:45). Lastly, they look to the saints (17:36) to better understand what it means to be formed by the Father's love (26:50). Quotes: "Sir, my job is to hold back your testosterone." (Mike quoting Bliese, 1:50) “When there is a father present, it brings about the masculine virtues in a positive way." (Rob, 2:45) "JPII is like Batman." (Connor 18:45) “St. Francis swung the whole world around like a trinket at his wrist." (Connor on St. Francis, 19:37) "I would have caused World War III. 100%." (Mike, 23:00) “What John Paul II is grieving there is something so sublime. It’s beyond anything you can put into words.” (Connor, 23:30) “His dad’s hidden love (JPII's), has now played a part in this great revelation of God