Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

Best and Worst States for jobs



Best and Worst States for jobs. We have the list everyone has been looking for. This list will not only tell you how much the average carrier is paying per state. This list will also tell you how many trucking jobs are available in a particular state. The top ten will surpass you but the bottom ten will just blow you away. We did not think the bottom would consist of the alleged data but wow, it did. If you're looking to relocate to find that perfect job, this episode is the one you have been waiting for. Toon into the next episode of TalkCDL Trucking Podcast and hear the results. Truck Driver Arrested in Cleveland This is a breaking story out of Cleveland OH. A trucker on scene at a traffic accident got a little crazy. Allegedly an accident had everyone held up. A truck driver became irate and start blowing his horn. The police did not take to kindly to the loud horn and asked the man to stop. What he did next, you will just have to tune in and hear for yourself. Drivewyze  for IOS users, all