Mighty Tom's Bible Study

Apologetics intro session 1



In this new series Tom is going to cover a course in classical apologetics ofr those interested. At this point it looks like it will take 23 sessions, in total. This is the intro course, where we lat out the classical apologetic structure. THat is: The Twelve Point Apologetic Argument* 1*The Truth about Reality is Knowable* Truth Agnosticism Realism// 2*Opposites Cannot Both be True* First Principles Logic 3*The Theistic God Exists* Theism God alleged disproofs of God objections to proofs of 4*Miracles Are Possible* Miracles 5*Miracles Are Used To Affirm The Message Or Messenger From God* Miracles, apologetic value of Miracles alleged disproofs of 6*The New Testament Documents Are Historically Reliable* New Testament Historicity