Eat Better With Paleo Britain And Dr. Ragnar

Eat Better Episode 6 - Owen Raybould on Food and Mood



In episode 6 of the Eat Better podcast, Owen Raybould of Ancestral Health and Nutrition talks about food and mood. In response to previous requests to improve sound quality, we upgraded our microphone system, which completely failed. We apologise sincerely, and will fix this for next time. Hopefully this won’t stop you listening to Owen talking about his work with mental health charities, as well as some tips on how to eat better in the context of depressive illnesses. For some downloads from Owen, go to the website: Owen and I discuss a review paper on the interaction between genetic mutations that may improve short-term defence against infections, but increase the risk of depressive symptoms in the context of chronic stress. Find it here: Later on I discuss some interesting primate research that highlights the interaction between hyper-palatable foods and stress, and their effect on hormone function, which can