In The Sac With Dr Sarah

In The Sac With DR Sarah Russo 12/6/14



Tonight on In the SAC, Dr. Sarah had a great opportunity to talk to the CEO of the website Ashley Madison, Noel Biderman. We learned ALOT about why people use this website to cheat on their significant others and why it really doesn’t promote cheating! It’s definitely a hot topic that Sarah and Heather will discuss. Also tonight Dr. Sarah will be discussing the 5000 Test Challenge she has signed the SAC App up for. She is joining other high profile companies such as ONE condoms, playmate and divorce attorney Cori Fetman, and a online dating site called PriceDate. Make sure you send her selfies to Instagram name thesacapp2 with #WrapIt #5000TestChallenge #SaferOnlineDating #GetTested and we will retweet them from our Twitter @thesacapp or Instagram! Hey and also check out Dr. Sarah talking to Matty in the Morning today about the SAC App!!…-the-sac-13035929