In The Sac With Dr Sarah

In The SAC With Dr. Sarah - December 19, 2014



Things were getting crazy in the SAC w Dr. Sarah last night! Not only were we celebrating the at the holiday party…. We also had a ton of guests pop by! Speaking of holiday parties Sarah talked about how excited she is to work with Chris Harris productions on NYE at the HOB! Tonight we started the night off talking about the RONDO trade and how unhappy Sarah was with Danny Ainge. I think we mentioned this several times. Jared Holmes sat in to discuss the trade. We also talked about the dating culture in Boston with the lovely Roseena Hussain and Jimmy A. Jimmy was on fire and looking wild! Of course Dr. Sarah also got to quiz them with her top 5 SAC questions of the week! Tune into see all the madness!! Twitter: Soundcloud: @thesacapp Instagram: