In The Sac With Dr Sarah

In The Sac - E! news Reporter Alicia Quarles



This weeks In the SAC with Dr. Sarah took place at E!News Headquarters in New York City! I was so lucky to have one of my favorite celebs Alicia Quarles agree to do an interview with me. I was really drawn to her when I watched her episodes when her friend Diem Brown passed away. The unbelievable passion she had for remembering her friend who passed from ovarian cancer was amazing. We both are very passionate about bringing light to the subject of young girls understanding how important getting tested is, amongst other things! We of course we were not all business. Alicia was so cool, nothing was off topic! We discuss her incredible career and even get into what dating is like for us single ladies ;). This episode is so jam-packed with fun, you're not gonna want to miss it!!