Hey, Listen! Radio

The Hey, Listen! Radio Show Episode 12: Citizen App, Cyber City Oedo 808, and Xbox Talk



Oh my! It's been a minute now, hasn't it. This episode was recorded way back in July of 2020! Yikes! The boys discuss the merits of the Citizen App, Jumper Cables takes us on a deep dive into the world of Cyber City Oedo 808, and we finish with a discussion on whether or not Microsoft's Game Pass is a shot in the foot to Xbox, or a win for the company at large. Original record date: 07.30.2020 For more: www.heylistenradio.com www.youtube.com/nagpproductions www.twitch.tv/heylistenradio Music: Bunical by Jimmy Grant www.facebook.com/JimmyGrantEnsemble/ @james-eric-grant www.jimmygrant.net/