Greg Mcdermott Podcast

Podcast Episode 4 - Tim Ballintine



Had an awesome chat with one of the up and coming superstars in Age Group Triathlon racing in Australia Tim Ballintine. This guy is a machine. His results in such a short time in the sport are not only a reflection of his obvious talent in the three disciplines but much more importantly show his total commitment to his training and the process of creating success. I really enjoyed it. Could've gone for another hour I think but we had to wrap it up somewhere. Tim embodies the spirit of the sport. He sets goals and knocks them over and I thought it was great he relates what he does in triathlon back to everyday life and achieving through adversity. Tim's motto: Don't take yourself seriously, take what you do seriously. He's off to Ironman Vichy on August 30 and is raising some much needed funds for an amazing cause close to his heart, Smiling for Smiddy. Check them out here. To support Tim and make a pledge to his particular cause follow this link.