Plps R@dio School Radio Station

PLPS Radio Term 4 2014 Premier's Interview



On this week show we are honoured to have Dr Napthine the Premier of Victoria stop by to be interviewed by Anneleisa, Lucy and Spencer. Dr Napthine told us that he likes to take his tie off, relax and watch the footy. It was a great interview and our school was very honoured that he chose our school to visit. Today's show is hosted by Annelise and Nayok. The show includes the regular house competition, the 'Hot Seat' and the new Nosey Bear Crew is announced. The Hot Seat competition is hotting up as the end of the school year approaches. Who will be the house with the most points? Listen and find out. Spencer, Lucy and Bridie are operating the desk expertly as usual. Jas managed the desk for the interview. Nosey Bear was there of course.