Alternefit Podcast

Episode 1-Just a Test



This is the test episode for the Alternefit Nutrition and Fitness Coaching and Counseling Podcast. Coming soon: Future episodes will discuss topics ranging from how lifestyle changes can play an important role in healing the body and mind to the various political and hot-button topics of health and wellness. Nutrition is a key focus, with particular attention to low-carb, paleo, primal, and metabolic lifestyle changes. Fitness and supplementation will also be discussed. Rachel, your host for Alternefit Radio, is a professional with an MA in teaching and a BA in psychology. She has put extensive time and work into health and wellness, with a focus on nutrition and how it will heal the whole body. Her studies have taken her through knowledge of many subjects in alternative health and wellness, and her certifications and education add to her knowledge to create a balanced and unique show.