Fan-dom Ran-dom

Mr. Frizzle



Good Day listeners! It is our 10th Episode! We have came along way and today we bring you a guest. Returning from Ep.7 Peanut Butter Podcast time, Stevie Boiser! We did deep into the anime you should be watching NOW. Speaking about getting deep, the group gets idealistic with The Magic school bus. Also, Everyone hates The cancelled Tron 3. Seriously. As always, we give a game of thrones cast on that AMAZING episode 8. Now dont be alarmed.... But Our CO-Host Steven isn`t here with us today!!!!!! Fear not Steven Fangirls, he will be back next week. we star and end this show with 2 awesome songs From Rainbowdragoneyes! Go check him out on FB! Shia Lebouf said, "JUST DO IT"! Cheers!