

Please visit: Playlist for the entire series: Outline - Class #11: -Taking sabr seriously while at ease and understanding it, leads and strengthens your eman to dealing with problems and afflictions. -Very unique and interesting ahadeeth on sabr. -Patience gives you strength to stand your ground even if you are alone. (Usually the righteous are a minority) -Allah said that he tests so that he will know the righteous from the evil, does that contradict the encompassing knowledge of Allah? (Does he need to test to know who is a believer and not?) -Amazing is the case of the believer; there is good for him in everything! The story of ifk was good to the believers. -Be patient on words you'll hear because the prophet sallah allahu alyhi wasalam went through it, so did the other prophets, as well as the salaf and imam. They even spoke about Allah their creator. -Whe