Tawheed (the Three Fundamental Principles) - Sh. Ahmad Musa Jibril

Tawheed 17 - Obedience and Consequence



Published on Jun 15, 2013 Please visit: http://ahmadjibril.com/ https://www.facebook.com/ShaykhAhmadM... http://twitter.com/ahmadmusajibril Playlist for the entire series: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=... Classes 1-16 transcribed: http://ahmadjibril.com/articles/Jibri... Class #17: فَمَنْ أَطَاعَهُ دَخَلَ الْجَنَّةَ، وَمَنْ عَصَاهُ دَخَلَ الْنَّار So whoever obeys him will enter Paradise, and whoever rejects and disobeys him will enter the Fire. *commands of the quran and/or sunnah are three types. *Sunnah in relationship to the Koran is three categories *Categories of those who disobey Allah in their destiny to the fire. -Minor shirk is a form of shirk some scholars said it will not fall under mashee'ah. *Tafseer of the verse the author uses as proof and concludes matter #1 of Chapter 2: انا أرسلنا اليكم رسولا شاهدا عليكم كما ارسلنا الى فرعون رسولا فعصى فرعون الرسول فأخذناه اخذا وبيلا فعصى فرعون الرسول فأخذناه اخذا وبيلا "We sent a Messenger to you, O people, as a witness in favour of you or