

Please visit: Playlist for the entire series: Classes 1-20 transcribed: Al Wala' Wal Bara' *Into: -Style of explanation -types of people who promote interfaith. -Among the greatest loosers are those who promote interfaith thinking they are doing dawah.. -Explanation of the verse: (Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) till you follow their religion) *Statement by أبو الوفاء بن عقيل Abul Wafaa' Ibn Aqeel on how to measure the status of an Ummah in any era. *Response to those who change in their aqeedah and then claim it's like Abu Hanifah's رحمه الله change in his Madhab *The war to change the Islamic terminology is a war on Al Wala' Wal Bara'. -Changing any part of our Islamic terminology as a whole and more precisely those dealing with aspects of Al Wala' Wal Bara'. They