

Please visit: Playlist for the entire series: The classes transcribed: Outline: Chapter 3: أن تعبد الله وحده، مخلصاً له الدِّين، making the Religion purely and sincerely for Him *Intro to sincerity (Ikhlas) *Deficiencies in Ikhlas: 1. Entering Islam based fully on Riyaa 2. Riyaa (insincerity) in matters if one was to leave them, they would negate his deen 3. Riyaa in the overwhelming majority of ones deeds 4. Riyaa in matters that are not obligatory or matters that if one was to leave them, they would not negate his deen: a, If one fights and resists the whispers and insincerity b. If one does not reject and resist the whispers and insincerity c. After the deed is done and completed. 5. Leaving matters for fear of Riyaa, is it Riyaa? 6. Doing matters because of encouragement by others or their companionship. 7. Doing