Athlete Approved Show By Justin Lord & Tom Wyles, Wod Conditioning & Wod Nutrition For Crossfitters And Athletes

Episode 1: Endurance or Strength Background, Which background is Better When Starting CrossFit and Why We Sometimes Need to Go 'Old School' in Our Training Programs to Improve QUICKLY!



In today's show Justin Lord & Tom Wyles discuss the differences between 2 athletes who come from entirely different backgrounds, Tom from an endurance background and Justin with a strength background. Both athletes started CrossFit at about the same time, but which athlete is finding it easier to progress in the quest for the CrossFit European Regionals? They both discuss their own backgrounds, their accomplishments and how they are feeling with their program as it currently stands. Both athletes train at CrossFit 1664 in Aldershot, UK home of the team competition 'Box Rocks' and 'Paleo in a Box, Performance Enhanced Paleo' Program & 'Athlete Approved'.