Talking Tai Chi With The Teapotmonk

What is Tai Chi?



Hi welcome to Talking Tai Chi with the teapotmonk. Today we begin out journey and start our exploration of what is Tai Chi. But instead of defining it - a rather meaningless task given the enormous cultural and linguistic issues involved, I'm going to begin with a question that is not only fundamental to all beginners of the art, but of equal importance to teachers, intermediate students and everyone seeking to improve their practice. WHY LEARN TAI CHI? A. Perhaps this is the question that begins our journey, but it is also the question to which we return again and again. Why learn, why practice for decades and why invest so much time and energy into this most noble of arts? Clearly, the answer will vary from person to person, but as a teacher im aware that a greater and greater number of students cite "health" as their primary motive. At times, health is referred to in physical terms, others mentally, spiritually, philosophically or even culturally. It is a complex picture, but throughout these podcas