Arst's Oral History Project Podcast

Episode 7--An Interview with Lawrence Prelli



The Association for the Rhetoric of Science and Technology (ARST) celebrated 20 years in 2012. The ARST Oral History Project was conceived to document the institutional history of the organization and the larger intellectual history of the rhetoric of science, technology, and medicine. This interview, with Lawrence Prelli, Professor at the University of New Hampshire, features: *Why the necessity of developing mastery of particular sciences is crucial *Disciplinarity vs. program-centered research *What happens to rhetoric when invention is decentered *How rhetorical choices have consequences, and why that is particularly important in technical fields *The self-understanding of scientists vis-à-vis certainty and discovery *The potential visual, place, and performance turns in rhetoric of science *How scientific discourses become closed and how jokes open up new universes of discourses *Why the distinctive dimension of rhetorical analysis is invention *Developing relationships with people doing science where