Yeah I Am A Nerd

Randomness Ep.6



I know I said I would have this podcast up awhile ago... Happy July Fools! Seriously thought sorry for the delay. I know I've been slacking. Anyway for this episode we have two special guest with Vallish and I. Our friend's I.T. and Catfish stop by to talk about movies and videogames. Catfish joins us to talk about some of our crapples (movies that are bad but we love anyway) and I.T. sits in with us to discuss upcoming videogames as well as Curleh Mustache which is a Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 invitation only tournament. Rick will be back with us for the next podcast where he will have some Toy Nerd News for us, comic con talk and we will be discussing EVO which is the world championship tournament of fighting videogames.