30 Plus Men's Fitness Podcast

30 Plus Mens Fitness Podcast - Episode 36



In this episode I interview online client Simon Huckstepp.Simon lost a whopping 110lbs in just 7 months after deciding enough was enough.At the time he was tipping the scales at 140kg, boozing excessively and living off junk food.Initially he simply started juicing, living off nothing but blended fruit and vegetables each day, then 3 months into it he discovered our documentary and joined our paid members area.What he loved was the non judgemental atmosphere plus the support + accountability.He slowly stopped the juicing and introduced foods such as fish, chicken and steamed veggies.After learning about N.E.A.T in our community he bought a Fit-Bit and began to walk and cycle everywhere.This combined with the consistency of his daily nutrition saw him dropping around 7kgs per month!He now sits at 92kg with a goal of getting to 80kgs.Its a truly inspiring story from a normal guy who, at his worst, was sick in bed from too much alcohol but did not have the energy to clear it up, so slept in it.Added to that he c