30 Plus Men's Fitness Podcast

30 Plus Mens Fitness Podcast - Episode 41



In this short podcast I delve deep into mindset and talk about why some people continually fail.Having been a fitness trainer for 13 years I have encountered all sorts of people.Some, you give them the tools to lose weight, they follow it and the weight stays off.Others lose weight initially then revert back to type, gaining back all of the weight they previously had lost.Now why is that?It has everything to do with their subconscious programming and their own image internal image of themselves (often due to their subconscious programming).Unsure as to what Im talking about?Put your feet up and listen to the audio.Transformation starts in the mind and until you are mentally ready you will never achieve your physical goals.I hope you get some value from this.Keep TruckinCoach Tregs