
DO YOU FEEL IN CHARGE with Terry Erickson



On this episode of Learnt, I Google Hungout with an old friend and a True Dope DorkyBoi: Mr. Terry Erickson of the English Project In Korea (EPIK)! We discuss the process of getting hired as a teacher of English in a land where you can't speak the first language, game theory, and Robin John Blake! We also chat about the Huffington Post story "California Law Limits School Football Practices to Prevent Concussions." We go over the stresses of your first adult j-o-b, how teaching in Korea can be like a semester abroad for many of the teachers there, and of course, John Ritter. Be sure to read the Huffington Post story mentioned at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/21/california-youth-concussion-law_n_5607743.html?utm_hp_ref=education&ir=Education Music for this episode was provided by When Particles Collide from the PodSafe Network. You can reach me at facebook.com/learnpodcast, twitter.com/learntpod, or learntpodcast@gmail.com. If you like the show, please share episodes on Facebook and consider don