Out Of The Darkness And Into The Blue

Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)—Hostage Rescue.



SWAT- Hostage Rescue is not for the weak at heart. Life and death is the reality of our job. Mistakes are unacceptable. Perfection in every aspect is trained upon and expected. Welcome to our world. But is that the whole story? Now, as a Police Officer I wanted to take my tactics to the next level and become what we call: "A Ten Percenter." Those Officers who are considered the top 10% cop of the entire profession. Not just a street level patrol officer, but one who hones their skills to perfection. That dream would be with the Kalamazoo SWAT Team. In particular, a Hostage-Rescue Operator. Where no mistakes can be afforded. Listen to how YOU can become a SWAT Cop and what my life was like on our team. It's not for the faint at heart. If you want to be who the Cops call when they need help then your mission is be a SWAT COPPER! Always follow your dreams and enjoy this chapter from Out of the Darkness and Into the Blue. Available in paperback, kindle, and audiobook from Amazon.com, Barnesandnoble.com, iTune