Esl In Ho Chi Minh City

Color Idioms - Episode 14



green belt give someone/ get the green light be/ go/ turn/ make someone green with envy have a green thumb green about the gills the green-eyed monster a grey area grey matter men in grey suits be in the pink see pink elephants be tickled pink brownie points turn/ go/ be as red as a beet be in the red catch somebody red-handed roll out/ put down/ lay out the red carpet a red herring a red letter day red tape see red paint the town red yellow streak grow grey-haired Exercise 1: Collocation: Match these colors with their appropriate noun combination. Pink Green Grey Red Yellow Carpet Matter Elephant Streak Thumb Exercise 2: Fill in these sentences with the above expressions: They rolled out the _____________ for two special guests. This is a complicated problem. You need to use your ______________ If you want any gardening tips, you need to ask John. He has a _______________. All the tomatoes he has grrown are big, red and juicy. John saw ________________ again last night. He kept calling his exgirlfriend’s