Mix Notes From Hell

Episode 7 - Risk Management - Great Music vs. Getting Paid



Episode 7 - Risk Management - Great Music vs. Getting Paid We start by reading a question involving the balance of dealing with choosing the music we work with based on budget vs. how good the music is and what are the repercussions of each. Kenny brings up how hard it is to build a career recording music that just isn’t very good. Even if the money is there. We then talk about how much to charge and the positives and negatives that go with being expensive vs. being the “budget guy”. Matt brings up “vanity” projects that never seem to end. And cost you more in the long run. Kenny brings up the idea that if you’re stuck in a rut of recording bad music, you can’t expect to keep moving forward. Kenny talks about production costs and being able to charge a flat fee vs. a day rate. Thanks for listening!!!! Kenny Gioia https://www.facebook.com/kenny.gioia http://www.groove3.com/str/authors.php?authorid=7 Matt Hennessy http://vsopproductions.com Will Kennedy http://www.willkennedyproducer.com https://