Vic Nierva's Podcast




"Antisipasyón" Igwá nin halabáon na panahón sa pag-ultánan kan paghalát asín kan pagdatóng— arog kan mga huring aldáw kun saín an tag-ínit nagígin urán. Kun pànóng an tubig, haros, nasa satóng mga palad o, garó mga kristál, minádukot sa satóng mga buhok, haros— haros saná, asín mayò pa. (English) "Anticipation" There is a very long time between waiting and coming— like the last few days that turn summer into rain. How we feel the water, almost, in our palms; crystal-like, clinging to the strands of our hair, almost— almost, and yet not there. Antisipasyon (Anticipation) is a poem in the Bikol language from V.D.T. Nierva's first book 'Antisipasyon'. The pience is read by the author.