Now In Technicolor Podcast

NIT Presents.......Movie Jumble Pilot Cut



Hey Everyone! John here to introduce a brand new show to you. It's Movie Jumble a show where we take movies mash them together for some funny results. This is a pilot cut of the show letting you here where the idea came from plus its got some pretty funny stuff. Like Wicker Man 2, and Furious Space Race. We hope you enjoy the show and cant wait to drop ep 1. You can follow the show on Twitter @MovieJumble, and of course @NowInTechPod for the main show. Thank you so much for listening, and Stay Colorful! Intro (00:00-02:41) Wicker Man 2 (02:42-12:54) Furious Space Race (12:55-28:03) Last words (28:04-30:10)