Free Form Network

Free Form Radio - Episode 201



Catching up with the week: Daniel takes Jr back to school shopping including some new Nike Air Jordans Daniel talks about watching the American Gladiator Documentary   Daniel and Andy talk about Al Capone and the recent movie released about him starring Tom Hardy Andy and wife go house hunting and are thrown aback by how market prices are higher than usual and people are willing to pay even above the market price making it more difficult to find a house at the right price point for their needs. Noel talks about watching the New Flash Movie and how the nostalgia pops with Michael Keaton as Batman was the saving grace of the movie that otherwise would have been a mediocre effort by DC Noel also gives his reviews of 2 horror movies that just recently released.  Talk to Me is a gripping horror ride with an original story and unique take on the "seance" genre.   Insidious Red Door, the 5th installment into the franchise is a worth while movie to see and has a great continuation from the first 2 movies that de