Change Your Story, Change Your Life

The Exponential Story



The most important story for you to understand, right now in 2023, and moving forward, is THE EXPONENTIAL STORY. The meaning of that statement has everything to do with dinosaurs.The dinosaur was king of the Cretaceous Period of planet Earth. That was few years ago. 66 million years to be exact. It was a very hot humid world; most land was submerged under massive oceans.Can you guess how many years the dinos dominated the earth? If you guessed 100 million years, you are BINGO, correct!With that kind of staying power, you'd think Dino Dino would be around forever. Oops! An asteroid suddenly appears in the sky. This is one mother of a flying fragment. 10 km wide! Just slightly smaller than San Francisco.This extraterrestrial intruder decides to land in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Not a gentle landing. It explodes with a blast that releases 2 million times more energy than the largest nuclear bomb ever exploded. This is literally a killer landing.Megatsunamis, earthquakes, firestorms, and volcanic eruptions