Free Form Network

FFR - Episode 200



Update on our week:  The ball keeps rolling, episode 200.  We start off the week with Andy giving us detail about Pence quote "Not my concern".  Should it be the US's concern?  Andy continues watching Youtube and runs across another video.  This woman shouts out "This MF is not real" in airplane incident.  What the heck is this about?  Noel makes plans to going ghostbusting.  He is getting his mind ready for visiting an abandoned mental asylum in Peoria.  Will he become a paranormal investigator?  Listen to Noel's thoughts on Apple TV Sci-Fi show, Silo season one.  How does it rank in Noel's top ten?  Daniel talks about new documentary, The myth of Zodiac Killer.  It brings a new perspective, does it make sense?  Also, Daniel finally watches The Saints of Newark.  Is this a good Sopranos prequal movie?   Article for the week: An e-commerce CEO is getting absolutely roasted online for laying off 90% of his support staff after an AI chatbot outperformed them